Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Buddhist joke from the UK for you

Morag Waghouse sent me this from the UK today. Thanks Morag! Enjoy!

The Daimoku Parrot
Fred walks into a pet shop and wants to buy a parrot.  the salesman show him two and says this mynah bird has an extensive vocabulary and is $1000.  This green one has less words but whistles a tune and is £500. Fred looks at them and spots a little green parrot in the corner, marked at $10. "What's up with that one?" he asks.  The salesman sighs and says 'He only says the one thing over and over, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo."  Fred decides he'll risk it and buys it on the spot.  

He takes it home feeds and waters it, gives it some toys and chews...the parrot settles down very happily and in between feeding and playing, constantly chants nam-myoho-renge-kyo.  
From that day Fred's life changed. He got a promotion at work, a great new girl friend, he was healthy and very happy...the benefits were constant, almost overwhelming..and all the while the parrot chanted and chanted.  One day he passes the pet shop and the salesman recognized him. -"How's that parrot?" he asked...Fred replied "Well its fantastic. Since I got him my life has been transformed.  Every now and again I could do with a rest from the there a way to shut him up?"  
The salesman looks shifty so Fred presses him "Go on, there must be a way."  The salesman sighs again, 'Well it makes a change anyway...all you have to do is ring this bell 3 times."

Fred buys the bell and takes it home.  As he walks in the parrot pauses chanting and looks interestedly at the bell.  Fred settles down and rings the bell.  There is a long pause as the parrot takes a big breath:
"Myoho renge kyo hoben pon di ne, niji sezon......."

1 comment:

  1. it and will use for my Buddhist mtg. Tomorrow
