Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Developing Appreciation ~ Inspiring Quote from Daisaku Ikeda


I sit here today watching the beautiful, fluffy snowfall in Chicago...basking in the glow of my life, celebrating my incredible good fortune. This is more guidance from the Arts Division FNCC Conference. Enjoy!

Appreciation is what makes people truly human.... 

Having a spirit of appreciation for someone from whose actions we benefit,  
a sense that 
'This is the, rarest and noblest thing," 
produces in our hearts 
a feeling of pride and self-esteem: 
"I am worthy of receiving such goodness." 
It provides us with spiritual support to go on living 

Because of these people, 
am able to express my art. 
When we chant to develop appreciation
it opens closed parts of our life 
to new ways of seeing 
that we can't do without appreciation.
The path of the Bodhisattva 
lies in supremely humane action. 
When we pray, 
speak out 
and take action 
for the happiness of a friend, 
the eternal life of the universe 
manifests through our thoughts, 
words and deeds. 

Daisaku Ikeda, Dialogue on the Lotus Sutra, Living Buddhism, January 1998, p.42

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