Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What Makes this practice so special? How to Chant

Hello! This blog can be translated using the button at the top left) 
This is a posting for newcomers and a refresher for anyone.
(Current members are welcome to send the link to this blog chantforhappiness.com to someone you're introducing or encouraging) 
There's a meeting tomorrow, Wednesday the 27th at the Chicago Buddhist Center sponsored by the LGBT group and all are welcome - free parking! 1455 S. Wabash 6:30-8:30

What are some of the key things to know about chanting?
  • HAPPINESS is the goal of this practice. You get to KEEP and USE your desires! Most forms of Buddhism teach that the cause of suffering is attachment to desires, and if you eradicate attachment to desires you can become happy. Not so with Practical Buddhism. Instead, your desires ARE enlightenment. The more desires you have, the better. Your desires lead you to chant. Chanting changes your karma and brings about true and lasting happiness - based both on achieving those desires, and based on the inner changes (human revolution) that result from chanting. Over time your desires will evolve and if you don’t know what your desires are, you can chant to uncover them.
  • The words you chant are Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Translated as:  “I devote myself (or fuse my life)to the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration.”  It is the same as chanting the name of the law of cause and effect itself...or the name of the rhythm of life. I like to picture an electrical plug attaching to the universe.  With this powerful vibration you are able to reach deep into the core of your own life, where you are one with everything, and bring forth all you desire. 
  • There are no rules to follow
  • No dietary restrictions
  • No lifestyle rules ~ all are welcome
  • No dues
  • No dress code
  • You don’t have to give up anything you’re already doing. You don’t have to convert to Buddhism to chant. If you like meditating, great! Keep meditating. If you like going to church keep going to church. Think of it as meditation...only with tangible results and goals! Your goals! Your results!
  • You don’t have to believe that chanting works. Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo generates the vibration of the law of cause and effect...the rhythm of life itself.  It is a law of life. It doesn’t have a personality. It is not a god. It does not care if you believe in it! One of my mentors in faith, Amos Snell began chanting to prove to his wife that she was wasting her time chanting. He chanted to PROVE IT DIDN’T work. More than forty years later he is still chanting and introducing people. Eventually you will believe that chanting works, because you will see so many results in your life, but you have to experience it for yourself!
  • There is no clergy. The SGI (Soka Gakkai International) is an organization of lay people. We work together for the sake of each person’s happiness. 
  • There is no guilt. There is only the law of cause and effect.  
  • You don’t quiet the mind while chanting. No! You engage it. You command the results you want for your life. You focus your prayers like a laser on what you desire.
  • You can turn EVERY problem into a benefit. When you chant consistently you realize that your challenges and problems actually fuel your benefits. You welcome new challenges, chant to turn poison into medicine and watch as new benefits flow into your life. 
  • The most important benefits are what happens inside your life. No, you will not cease to have problems, but you will greet them with appreciation and dispense with them with quickly. Your inner core will strengthen. You can chant for a great job and fulfilling relationships, love and health and a sense of purpose. You tap into the wisdom to know that you are on the right path...no matter what comes into your life, you can use it as a springboard to become even happier...no matter how dire the circumstances. 
  • This practice is FUN! It’s filled with happy people becoming even happier. It’s not somber! It’s a practice for the age we live in now! many people are seeking real, concrete solutions to their problems. Chanting works
 How to Chant

 The words are pronounced as follows: 
Nahm, rhymes with Mom, 
meeyohoh, with three long vowels, 
rain gay, 
key oh. 
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. 
Nahm Meeyohoh Rain Gay Key Oh
Hold your hands with the palms facing in and touching each other in front of your heart. Sit with your back as straight as possible and say the words over and over and over again. 
 Focus on saying the words. Breathe whenever you have to~ for as long as you like. See if you can chant for a few minutes, then a few minutes more. Chant for as long as you can!  
The rhythm should sound like a train moving, or horses running. There should be some energy to it. You can chant as fast or as slow as you wish. Speed of chanting is up to you. 
If you want to hear how it sounds you can go to the top left corner of the blog chantforhappiness.com and chant with me. I begin slowly and speed up with more energy. 
When you’re finished chanting I suggest writing in your journal.
Start by writing an assessment of your life right now. What’s going well, what you’d like to improve on. Then write how you felt before chanting and after chanting. In your journal set a goal for how much you want to chant every day.  When I started, I could only chant five minutes a day in the morning and five minutes in the evening. I had a timer next to me and I’m sure there were times I stopped before I’d even reached five minutes! You will build up momentum! Commit to chant twice a day every day. Keep your goals in mind and you’ll remember your reasons for chanting! 
These words and this vibration go deep into the heart of your life itself. They summon forth your highest wisdom, vitality and sense of purpose. They also uproot the karma that is making you suffer, and give you the opportunity to change this karma forever. You will still have challenges and problems in life when you chant...but eventually you will see them as the opportunities they are. Problems are the FUEL you need to catapult your life into a life of happiness and joy. You have begun a journey to uncover the true happiness that exists in your shining life. Congratulations!
Go to the Soka Gakkai website of whatever country you live in. SGI-USA.org is America's site. 
The SGI site will help you to connect with people who will be happy to help you learn to chant, overcome your problems, and reveal your brilliant, wonderful self!  Fellow Soka Gakka members love to help each other. 
and go to IKEDAQUOTES.org to read Daisaku Ikeda's words. He is lighting the way for us all...and for YOU!


  1. Hi, would you mind sharing your email address for writing to you regularly ? Thanks. I've known nam myo ho ren ge kyo since 1980s.

  2. Hi Jamie. Just last night a friend of mine asked me what do you think or do with your mind while chanting and this particular blog comes handy. I actually have it bookmarked on my iphone screen. Thanks again, and what a benefit to have "accidentally" found your page.
