Monday, February 2, 2015

Mastering our Minds

Here are a few shots of the great blizzard of 2015 in Chicago. It came in yesterday...and today we have some blue skies. It's beautiful and cold! How I long for palm trees and ocean breezes! 

Here we are...three days into February and I've been chanting to Master my Mind...and to truly grasp the profundity of this teaching.  

It's so interesting how the Gohonzon truly is a mirror of our lives. As I am chanting to master my mind, I am becoming more aware of all the ways that I live that I do NOT master my mind...and it is not so comfortable. But that's why we have the Gohonzon (the scroll Nichiren Daishonin inscribed that represents our highest nature...and all the power of the universe that exists within all of us). Those of us who practice this courageous teaching must be brave. It may not be enjoyable to perceive our shortcomings, but without perceiving them, how can we change them? I am going to continue chanting to master my mind no matter what. 

Another thing that was happening when I was chanting was the rebirth of some dreams I have set aside in my day-to-day comings and goings. What would happen if I actually put the pedal to the metal and made those dreams come true? After chanting I took some small steps into making them come true. 

I also chanted to cherish and praise my life...and in deep appreciation for having this Gohonzon in my life. 
These last 18 months of my son's illness have been pretty consuming. For the moment, I can concentrate on other things as well.  

Onward and upward. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! 

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