Sunday, August 11, 2013

Chanting a Million Daimoku! And some Guidance Involving Addiction or Drug usage

A few days ago I issued a challenge to you to see if you'd want to chant a million Daimoku (300 hours) with me by the end of the year and many of you responded YES! And that means chanting 2 hours a day from now until them. 

But you know, if you don't want to chant two hours a day you can still join us - you can just end your campaign later than the end of the year. You can chant one hour, or as much as you can every day. The important thing is to have a chart with either 300 spaces (1 per hour) or 300 spaces divided up by 4 (1200 spaces total ~ each counts as 15 minutes) and then set your goals. 

It is only 99 days until November 18th right now. We all have goals that we want to accomplish by November 18th. 

And if you don't ~ now is the perfect time to set them! 

Make big goals. 

November 18th, as you may know is the anniversary of the day the Soka Gakkai was founded, and the day that Tsunesaburo Makiguchi died in prison at the age of 72 for refusing to give up his beliefs. AND it is the day the new World Headquarters of the Soka Gakkai will open, establishing a new age of Soka Gakkai Buddhism on the World's stage. I have huge goals towards this day ~ I hope you do too! 

So with that in mind I hope you'll consider joining us on our shared Million Daimoku Campaign. Just send me an email at Ask me any questions you have about chanting a million Daimoku. And think about what deep seated karma you want to change. Make Your List!

And be prepared to encounter obstacles! I just started this two days ago and already I am pleased to report that I have SUMMONED some great obstacles! Yaaayyy! And I got some great guidance which I will share with you now. 

Someone I care about is having trouble with drugs, and, of course, I am very concerned. This morning I was up and out of the house by 7:30 am to go to the Chicago Buddhist Center to chant my two hours of Daimoku. Chanting with others always makes the time fly. 

At a break in the chanting I talked to my new wonderful women's region leader about the drug problem. She told me that she has a niece who had a very hard time with addictions, and the guidance she (my region leader) received was to chant to eradicate ANY and every bit of her OWN karma that was tied to addiction in any way, and that her prayer to eradicate this karma in HER own life would spread across her family line. Her niece is now in rehab and is embracing this practice. Chanting. Cool. OK I can do this. I will chant with renewed focus and use MY life and my determination to help others. I will root that tendency (to want to escape) out of my own life. 

Human Revolution at work, right?!

I am so appreciative of my brilliant Soka Gakkai Family. I am chanting and chanting for Shakubuku and for the happiness and strength of members worldwide. It is my greatest treasure to know YOU, and I love hearing from you. Please let me know if you're joining the Million Daimoku Campaign. Let's all change our karma together! 

Email me at

Friday, August 9, 2013

What's this Blog All About? How Does Chanting Work?

The following is a Passage from Julia Landis' and Jamie Lee Silver's upcoming book, The BuddhaZone, PowerPrayers for Chanting Your Way to Absolute Happiness:

As Nichiren (SGI) Buddhists we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to summon up our fathomless wisdom while steering our life-craft in the direction of our innermost desires. We chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo over and over and over again. We call this chanting Daimoku 
(Die-MOH-Koo). Daimoku means title and the title of the Lotus Sutra is  Myoho-Renge-Kyo.  The founder of this practice, Nichiren Daishonin, added to Myoho-renge-kyo  the syllable Nam which means “I devote my life to.” 

So, a brief translation of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is, 

“I devote my life to the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration,” or, “I am one with the very rhythm of life.”

“Myoho-renge-kyo is the name of the ultimate mystic truth, and Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo  is the name of the life state of Buddhas who embody and reveal this truth.” 
p.28 On Attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime.

It actually becomes very natural over time to focus on a personal PowerPrayer while chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.  It is nothing more than putting your deepest fundamental wish into action. By chanting and focusing on our most cherished desire, we come to steer our lives with confidence in the direction of Buddhahood. Our lives become lives of immense creativity, wisdom and value, and most of all Love. For as we chant, rhythmically and powerfully, we exude into our environment a music that evokes our deepest, innermost  capacity and transforms any manner of poison (problem) into a medicine (benefit), and further, into a nectar (deep and absolute happiness). 

Love's Got to do with it

A PowerPrayer is infused with love. That's the source of its power. When we chant for what we really want it comes from a real love for ourselves. All love begins with self love. However, you don't have to come to this practice in a state of self-love. This practice will take you there. Chanting Daimoku will itself bring about this state in your life. As the well known writer in the personal growth movement, Louise Hay, has said at the age eighty-two, “self love is the most important thing of all.” When you love yourself, everything in your environment loves you back. Your environment is a reflection of your own state of life and connection to the source of all happiness. 

Sadly, in general, Human beings tend to project this source outside of themselves. In fact, we are most comfortable, it seems in today's spiritual culture, when we project both the source of our mystical power and, also, its recipient outside of our lives. (Everyone seems to be praying to a power outside of themselves for a person who isn't them!) A great majority of souls, and you, yourself, we imagine, have prayed with love in your heart for the happiness of someone else, invoking a power that you have come to believe is “higher” than your own life. It has become commonplace.

But how often have you prayed with immense love...
for your own life, 
for your own happiness, 
for your own well-being? 
And more importantly, how often have you prayed...
from your own life
to your own life 
for the very best things 
and experiences for you
in short, for your own happiness?

We have found that, as it has been written, if we intone our voice with Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we can summon up great love, the kind of love that is required of us if we want to awaken to our true potential. And that is another name for Buddhas: Beings who have realized their infinitely positive wise and loving potentials.

It is our PowerPrayer that as you are reading, these words are activating within you the curiosity and courage it will take to sustain you on this journey. For the Lotus won't give its seed if one's hand is not open. It is our prayer that you open your hand in such a way that you open your mind, heart, and Life, as well. And you chant! 

Listen to the secret we whisper into your ear:

You are the Buddha of Infinite Potential. Yes, YOU are the Buddha. Your life story is one of awakening. Through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo you will be able to solve your problems and awaken to your own Buddhahood that has always been your birthright. 

The above passage is part of the preface to the book Julia and I have been writing for you. It is almost finished and is packed with PowerPrayers to strengthen your life and your practice. 
On this blog I have written many posts for people who are interested in chanting, and I invite your questions and comments. You may email me at 

For the Million Daimoku Campaign ~ An Update

Hello to all of you who are joining in to chant a million Daimoku between now and the end of the year. 
Just a note to say I miscalculated a bit. 

We need to do 2 hours a day between now and then to reach a million. 

We can do it! 

Join us by sending an email to 

Let's all change that stuck karma once and for all! 

Make your list and let's chant together! 

Experience in Faith to Start Your Weekend!

From a reader from India who now lives in the US:

I started this practice in 2005. I moved to the US from India in 2003 all alone. As per indian tradition I got married in 2004. My marriage was not successful; we had lots of hardship during my marriage. 
I left the house so many times but always came back due to lack of courage and I was always scared what people would think. But somehow I got connected to my friend who had moved to the US. She introduced me to this wonderful practice. 

At first I chanted alone and not much. Whenever I would feel lonely, I always chanted (as my family as in India). I never wanted to tell them what I was going through. One day I got into big fight with my Ex and the next day I chanted - if this relationship is not going to work then I should know right away. 
No wonder, within 1 month I was out of that house. Not sure where that courage came from but I was really happy that I made that decision. Since then my faith is stronger and stronger day by day and I have never looked back. 

I used to chant for hours and received benefits beyond my imagination. A few years later I was chanting for a partner who would accept me with my chanting. I am married now and my partner fully supports my practice.  
I even have my own chanting room in my home (Beyond my imagination). I have two wonderful kids. I always chanted for a Harmonious family. My husband is so understanding and kind hearted that at one time in my life it seemed impossible. 

I have succeeded in my professional life as well. I will share that experience later. 

At the end all I can say this practice is my soul. 

Nothing is impossible - Keep chanting. 

Join Us as We Chant A Million Daimoku by the end of the Year

This is a momentous year for the SGI. On November 18th the new world headquarters will be completed in Tokyo. Many of us have big goals that we intend to complete by that time. You can set goals to achieve by then as well. 

Yesterday I decided that I was facing a lot of challenges, and that NOW was a great time to begin a Daimoku Campaign. I thought about having it end by November 18th, but that would mean chanting three hours a day, and I just can't commit to that at this point. So I decided to aim my Daimoku chart for the end of the year - or sooner, and chant at least an hour and a half a day. Would you like to join me? 

If you begin with us now, you will have chanted a million daimoku (Nam-myoho-renge-kyo) by the end of the year. You can download a free daimoku chart, buy one at your local SGI center for about a dollar or make your own. One million Daimoku equals 300 hours. I'm not sure who first figured that out, but it's the formula everyone uses. To reach that total by the end of the year we each have to chant an hour and a half ~ are you up for the challenge?

Already many of you have emailed and said "YES~! I'm IN!" and some of you have also sent your goals for the campaign. 

How do you launch a Daimoku Campaign? 

First, DECIDE to do it. Find a way to track. I like the Daimoku chart I got at the SGI Center because it has little circles to fill in for every 15 minutes I chant. 
(It has 4 circles for every hour so 4 x 300 hours means there are 1200 little circles)
I always write in the date after I fill in the circles so I don't lose track. It makes chanting even more fun, I think, because every day you have a goal and track it. And on the chart, or on the back of the chart you write all your goals. 

I remember chanting a million daimoku towards the birth of my first child. I wasn't even pregnant before I started the chart. I chanted for the maturity to be a good mother, I chanted for a house to raise my child, to have a great relationship with my husband, for the child to be healthy, to have a safe delivery, and a good income to take care of everything. I found a job where I earned sales commissions that went up and up and up, and only worked three days a week. We bought a beautiful house on the top of a hill in San Francisco and I started having SGI meetings. And I poured Daimoku into the child that was coming to me. I chanted that this child's karma would be totally affected by all my daimoku and that this child would not have to suffer from all the things I did as a child. I chanted so hard for this child, and every one of my goals came true. 

Will all your goals manifest with one Daimoku Chart? That I can't tell you. But I can tell you you'll be a lot closer to them for having made a strong determination and completed it. And if you still have things you want to accomplish - well then, you start another million daimoku campaign! I have done many in my life and I feel the effects of them every day. 

If you have questions, or if you want to let me know you are joining us please email me at You can even send your picture and your determinations. Maybe I will share some of them on this site (never without your permission, of course!). And I look forward to sharing all our successes!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

We've Summoned our Obstacles ~ Let's Overcome them TOGETHER! I'm starting a new Million Daimoku Campaign ~ Want to Join Me?

I am so grateful for yesterday's Gosho study. Even though I have been practicing for almost 30 years, I still need refreshers in faith too. 

We are all Buddhas and we are all learning together in our precious SGI. 

I have had a lot of obstacles of all kinds over the last few weeks. Yesterday I studied the August Gosho with an open heart and one thing just sprang out at me. I have always known that the three devils and the four obstacles arise as evidence that we are practicing correctly. Now I realize I have summoned them.

They are natural functions (fundamental darkness ~ not actual devils) that arise as a reaction to our positive actions for Kosen Rufu (World Peace). Obstacles HAVE to arise from our lives so we can clear this fundamental darkness away and reveal our own Buddhahood. 

The Gosho is called "The Three Obstacles and Four Devils" and was written in November of 1277 to the youngest Ikegami Munenega after his brother had been disowned by his father for his faith in Nichiren Buddhism. 

President Ikeda says these things about obstacles:

Though we speak of the "three obstacles and four devils" appearing, no one wishes to have to face adversity. 
That is surely a natural human reaction. 
But Nichiren says that 
the appearance of the three obstacles and four devils 
is a source of JOY. 
How could that be? It doesn't seem possible. 
But it is, in fact, 
by overcoming the steep hills and inclines of obstacles 
we can forge our lives 
and ascend the summit of Buddhahood, 
where we can savor the sublime vista of 
eternity, happiness, true self and purity."

He goes on to say:

"We need to "own" them as something we ourselves have summoned up...we are in charge, we are the protagonists...the struggle against the three obstacles and four devils is indeed a great joy."

President Ikeda goes on to say:
"As Nichiren Daishonin writes: "When a tiger roars, gales blow; when a dragon intones, clouds gather" (The Workings of Brahma and Shakra," WND-1, 799) When we adopt this attitude ~ "I summoned this storm!" ~ our hearts will be filled with the bright sense of hope and purpose." (All quotes from the August Living Buddhism, pages 21, 22) 

OKAY! I summoned my obstacles and problems. I get it! 
Now I am redetermining to vanquish them and starting a new Million Daimoku Chart. You can download a Daimoku Chart for yourself at

I am starting today. I am determined to chant a million Daimoku by the end of 2013, and I have many goals to fulfill by November 18th ~the day we open the new castle for Kosen Rufu in Tokyo - The SGI World Headquarters. There are 300 hours in a Million Daimoku Campaign. 
That averages to chanting 1 1/2 hours a day to finish One Million Daimoku by the end of the year, and three hours a day to finish by November 18th. I don't know if I can commit to three hours a day, but I will definitely finish by the end of the year or sooner.  

I am making a long list of what I plan on overcoming and I can share a couple of highlights with you:

I am determined to live a courageous life and overcome fear in any of its forms. 

I am determined to live my absolute best life each and every chant strong daimoku and never be defeated - not even for a single moment.

I am determined to have a signed publishing agreement for The BuddhaZone, PowerPrayers for Chanting Your Way to Absolute Happiness. 

I'm chanting that every single one of you who reads this blog will gain a new understanding, new fire, new conviction in the power of your own life and chant your way to ABSOLUTE HAPPINESS, and share this blog and the SGI with everyone who is suffering and seeking solutions! 

I am determined that the youth in the world and in my district lead lives brimming with hope and enthusiasm! I'm chanting for millions of youth to join the SGI to create lives of hope and happiness and lead us all to Kosen Rufu!

I'm chanting for the health and happiness of all my family members. 

Please join me! Write me at and let me know that we are joining together to WIN!!! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

PowerPrayer for Absolute Happiness

What is Absolute Happiness? 

It is unshakable confidence in our OWN life.
It is the knowledge that 
what we do makes a difference... 
Who we ARE makes a difference...
Our lives are meaningful everyday, and we are using our potential to bring out the best in ourselves and others. 

Absolute Happiness is being strong 
in the face of any blowing wind
and having the courage to sit down, once more, face the Gohonzon (our lives) and chant truthfully with a seeking spirit to be able to change on the inside so that what we can overcome any hardship or reach any goal. 

Absolute Happiness is 
NEVER being defeated...
never giving up, 
and somehow,having the faith to en-courage others even while facing our own storms. 
Absolute happiness lies in being able to chant wholeheartedly for others, no matter whether we feel they wronged us or not. It is the knowledge that we are all connected, and when we light the way for another, we light it for ourselves. 
Absolute happiness is KNOWING that every one of our obstacles or problems can be a springboard for growth, a reason to chant harder with deeper concentration, and for a longer time...and that we WILL win!
Absolute happiness is knowing that never, never, never is the way lost, because we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we have a wise mentor in life, and we have our friends in the Soka Gakkai by our sides. 

The following is an excerpt from our upcoming book

The BuddhaZone, 
           PowerPrayers for Chanting Your Way 
                                           to Absolute Happiness

PowerPrayer for Absolute Happiness

You have arrived! Go ahead, chant your way to absolute happiness. We've done it. We've proved the power of this prayer. Now it's your turn. If we can do it, you can do it.

Core Strengthening PowerPrayer to chant when experiencing unhappiness of any kind

I am determined to experience my brilliant Buddha-self. 
I am determined to raise my life condition. 
I am determined to develop a strong— 
core of life 
so that NOTHING 
will bring me to this state of unhappiness ever again. 
I am determined to strengthen my life 
from deep within 
and to radiate happiness wherever I go. 
I don't CARE if unhappiness 
keeps rearing its ugly head along the way. 
I WILL WIN and I will defeat it forever. 
I will defeat you, unhappiness.
I am determined to become happy so I can inspire others to become happy. 
If I can become happy, anyone can become happy.
As I am chanting I am strengthening my life now!
I now embrace absolute happiness 

as my mission.
I will use my happiness to inspire others to chant!