Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chanting with a wide open heart

Chanting three hours today

Join me! 

I'm chanting to inspire each of you in the use of this fabulous life-changing tool we have found... the tool of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo...the name of the rhythm of life itself. When we chant these words and focus on what we want to create, we make the impossible possible! 

That is what chanting is for. 
Making the impossible possible. 

If it was easy we wouldn't have to chant at all. 

But our challenges FUEL our growth!!! And we can take the bull by the horns and change anything we wish. 

I'm chanting for you to find the strength and determination to take each one of your challenges and use your own life force through chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to convert every poison into medecine! 

 I'm chanting for each of you to be so incredibly happy and inspired and that all your dreams are coming true! You are so happy that you have to tell everyone about this amazing practice! 

I'm chanting for my life to be a shining example that a life lived and dedicated to the happiness of everyone is a life that is fun and happy. 
I'm chanting for a world that is safe, free of hunger and pain, and filled with the light of love, and light and warmth. 

I'm chanting for everyone who works for my company to be happy and secure. And I chant for me to use my talents the best that I possibly can for Kosen Rufu with people who inspire me in an environment I love! 

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