Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Facing Life Without Fear and with FORTUNE and gratitude

O, I have so much to write today. I could write to you all day. Maybe I will. For now, I will post this for you. 

Yes, I was, in fact, laid off yesterday. But I was so filled with power-full Daimoku and that I was actually able to continue encouraging others along the way. 
Because of this practice of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and bringing forth the power of the entire universe in my life ~ I have so much fortune in my life. 

What is Fortune? 

Fortune is what you build in your life by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo day in and day out. Money can't buy fortune, but fortune is essential to happiness. Fortune is being able to be laid off and greeting it with a smile. It is knowing that I am protected in every possible way. I will not suffer financially, I will still have insurance, I will not lack for anything. I have the resources and the connections to take being laid off and turn it into a sparkling experience that will inspire you and everyone around me. I feel as if I have been launched on a big adventure...not a huge tragedy. Fortune in the state of mind to not be discouraged sad or afraid. 
Fortune is what money can't buy, but Daimoku (chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo) brings! 

Yesterday morning I went into my place of work knowing 900 people were going to be laid off all across the country. I had a feeling my position would be one of them...
I distributed pictures I'd taken of our students out in the field practicing their health care work, and I put some on the bulletin board.
I saw my manager, the Campus President, in the hall and she said "Got a second?" 

And I knew. 

We went into her office and she told me everyone who does what I do has had their job eliminated and I just laughed and said "Thank goodness I chanted three hours yesterday and an hour this morning!". She knows about my Buddhist practice, and has a statue of the Buddha on her desk. She is such a lovely woman. I have loved working for her. I spent the rest of the time asking some questions, finding out about my generous severance package, and expressing gratitude about how much I've enjoyed working for her and how I will continue to be chanting for her and everyone in the company and at the campus. She has such a beautiful heart and she has put everything into making this campus a success. She told me she was talking to her husband this morning and reflecting about the people she had to let go today. She said she knew I was going to end up encouraging her, not draining her, when she laid me off. Of course! I am a Buddha! I give life, I don't take it. And I do it from the heart, it just flows from me. It is great joy for me to speak words that soothe the soul of others, and infuse joy and hopefulness. 

When I got back to my desk there was an email reminding me that that this day, this exact day, 11/12, is the anniversary of the day my sweet Mommy died in 2009. For those of you who have been reading the blog since then you'll remember. Others can go back and read the postings about this time if you would like. I chanted her home, we all chanted her home, and we held a life celebration that inspired every one. My sweet Mommy was a loving, loving wonderful soul. Somehow the fact that I was laid off on this day encourages me even more. It is like she is saying "Go Jamie go! Don't worry about a thing! This lay off will be a wonderful opening for your life. Wonderful things await you!" 

And then Julia my dear friend, and Morag my new friend through this blog in the UK, sent me the Gosho quote for today from the Daily Wisdom gosho quotes book. Check it out.

This letter (Gosho) was written to Shijo Kingo from Daisaku Ikeda. You know, Nichiren Daishonin was born in 1222 in Japan, right? So that was Samurai times. Shijo Kingo is the modern day equivalent of today's person living in the world and practicing Buddhism. He was in service to his lord Ueno. From his lord he had his lands, his job, his livelihood.  At one point Lord Ueno told Shijo Kingo he had to stop practicing Buddhism, and Nichiren Daishonin sent many encouraging letters to Kingo. Kingo did not stop practicing, and in the end, he was able to save his lord's life and be totally victorious in all ways. 

From the Gosho (honorific writing by Nichiren Daishonin)
A Warning Against Begrudging One's Fief
Written July 1277

"Even if your fief (lands, goods) should be confiscated or you yourself driven out, 
you must think that it is due to the workings of the ten demon daughters, 
and wholeheartedly entrust yourself to them. 

Had I not been exiled, but remained in Kamakura, I would certainly have been killed in the battle. In like manner, since remaining in your lord's service will likely be to your detriment, this may be the design of Shakyamuni Buddha."

The meaning is very clear. And I do feel so fortunate. I will be chanting up a storm. On Sunday, before I chanted for three hours, a fresh new determination for the happiness of all beings flowed through my heart and pen onto paper. I will share it with you all. And as I was chanting I felt like I was looking into the eyes of every being that is suffering in every way and vowing to change our world...change the source of suffering itself...change the urge to inflict pain on anyone and purge this planet of unhappiness. That is Kosen Rufu. That is what is in my heart. We can all accomplish this through doing our own human revolution and becoming happy ourselves. 

If this post of this blog moves you please share it with others. You can post it on facebook using the buttons below, or you can send emails with the url chantforhappiness.com in the body of the email. 

It is a beautiful, cold and sunny day here in the Chicago area. I am chanting for you to be victorious and overflowing with happiness. I am chanting for you to be the kind of person who is so happy, that others naturally want to know what is the source of your enthusiasm, your hopefulness, your smile! And then you can tell them they have the same source, and that by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo they can tap into it to! And this blog and the SGI, Soka Gakkai, and their own determination can help them be happy too. 


  1. Sorry to read you lost your job - but as ever your attitude towards it is absolutely inspiring.

    I've been chanting consistently for fifteen months now. And reading your blog for around a year. It's been very encouraging throughout.

    But I have to be honest. There was a time when if you had written something like this, I'd have not quite believed you. That isn't to say, I'd have thought you were lying. I just mean that I would have thought you were doing ordinary positive thinking. You know, that thing where people have a disappointment, and they sigh, and they say to themselves 'Well, never mind' and they hope for the best...

    ... Not that there's anything wrong with that...

    ... But now I have more experience with practice, I know that's not what you're doing. It's not that kind of positive thinking where you have to try and persuade yourself to believe things will work out for the best. You just know it. It's an unstoppable confidence that comes from within.

    Having recently had a major obstacle placed in my way in my own life, I was amazed to find how resilient I'd become. So, I get this now. And I urge anyone who has had doubts similar to mine to just keep marching forward with their practice - because you have to experience it for yourself really.

    And it's to some extent because of your blog, Jamie Lee Silver, that I was able to get to this point. You have inspired me many times to keep going when I have felt like giving in. There is now no prospect whatsoever of my giving in. So, I thank you.

    And I look forward to you posting about your new job soon!

  2. Hi Jamie,
    Thanks for encouraging us all through your blog.
    I feel so connected to you that after I read about the layoff
    I have been chanting for you.
    Just wanted to let you know
    that your life is already
    a shining example for all
    of us..and I have been
    forwarding all your
    writings to other members
    and they too find them very inspiring..
    Thanks you so much..
