Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Never Giving Up Leads to Great Benefit

Sometimes it feels like we're not progressing as quickly as we'd like in our lives, right? Sometimes it feels like we're chanting and making causes, and even though we see the effects of our high life-condition from our daily chanting, we still have challenges that are persisting, or dreams we have not yet realized.

At these times it is especially important to persist in our practice. 

At these times we need to dedicate our minds, our hearts and our prayers even harder. We need to continue chanting twice a day...continue marching along the path of mentor and disciple...and continue making good causes, sharing this practice, and keeping the flame of hope burning in our hearts. 

Sure, it's great to get major benefits every single day, but is this really realistic? I know I see benefit every day in the raising of my life condition, and the pure joy I experience in chanting, but there are some days I just have to persist no matter what. Just like you.

And then there are days that shine when the good news comes in. Today is one of those days. Today makes all of the days that I persist shine even more brightly. Today I am reminding you not to give up on your dreams. I was just accepted to present at a conference in LA in July. I applied for this way back in January, and they had so many applications it took the conference presenters quite a while to figure it all out. 

So whatever it is you are chanting for, renew your determination. You CAN do it. You can bring forth the life-force from deep within to roar whatever you desire into being...and transform your life in the process. I know that all the things I am chanting for will happen. I know that I will continue to grow as a person until they do. 

And I know that even once the things I am chanting for come true, I will need to continue doing MORE human revolution. Answered prayers bring more challenges too. 

That's Life! I love living this practice of hope, of living and creating success and of never giving up! 

If you need more encouragement today, check out the SGI-USA Portal button for access to more inspirational writings. 

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