Sunday, April 7, 2013

Your Prayers are the Most Important

Occasionally I get requests from people for me to chant for them. I am always chanting for all of you and for each one who writes in, but YOUR prayers are the most important. I am not a "Better Buddhist" and my prayers may be heartfelt, yes, but your prayers are the exact ones that you need to penetrate your life. 

You are the Buddha. You are the one carrying forth a dialogue with your life when you chant. Your prayers are important. Each time you chant you are setting your wings towards the sun, just like in the picture above. You are moving towards your own bright horizon. 

Here's a Power Prayer I've been chanting lately to make every one of my actions count:

Power Prayer to Change Your Karma:

"I chant to connect with the life force of my mentor Daisaku Ikeda, and to see the world through his eyes, and connect my heart to his have the same passion and depth of prayer that he does for all of humanity. I chant that every single one of my thoughts, feelings and actions I take today will be the absolute BEST causes I can make for my life and for all of life. I chant to be able to encourage people from the depths of my heart so I that they can be en-couraged to strengthen their faith and practice and become happy. I pray that every one of my actions leads to kosen-rufu and a world of respect for all beings.  I fill my heart with appreciation!" 

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